The Pediatric Rehabilitation Research Lab
Melamed-Snir, M., Silberg, T., Bar, O., Brezner, A., Landa, J. & Gliboa, Y. (2022). Online awareness among adolescents with acquired brain injury during performance of motor, cognitive and functional tasks. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 42(4): 451-464. Link
Sadeh, Y., Landa, J., Dekel, R., Gutman, D., Brezner, A. & Silberg, T (2021). Post-traumatic perceptions and distress among mothers and children in rehabilitation following traumatic medical events. Society and Welfare. (Heb), 41(2), 199-217. No available rank (Peer review: Hebrew)
Sadeh, Y., Silberg, T, Elad, D., Liber, P., Chen, W., Dekel, R., Gutman, D., Brezner, A., & Landa, J. (2021). Utilization of evidence-based clinical practices for the development, assimilation, and implementation of a psychosocial assessment in a pediatric rehabilitation department. Society and Welfare. (Heb), 41(2), 199-217. No available rank (Peer review: Hebrew) Link
Husein, S., Sadeh, Y., Dekel, R., Brezner, A., Landa, J., Silberg, T. (2021). Using a biopsychosocial approach to examine differences in post-traumatic stress symptoms among Arab and Jewish Israeli mothers of children following traumatic medical events. International Journal for Equity in Health, 20(1), 1-12. Link
Krasovsky, T.*, Silberg, T* ., Barak, S., Eisenstein, E., Erez, N., Feldman, I., Guttman, D., Liber, P., Patael, S.Z., Sarna, H., et al. (2021). Transition to Multidisciplinary Pediatric Telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategy Development and Implementation. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health, 18, 1484. Link
Silberg, T., Ahonniska-Assa, J., Bord, A., Levav M., Polack, O., Tzadok, M., Heimer, G., Bar-Yossef, O., Geva, R., & Ben-Zeev, B. (2020). In the eye of the beholder: using a multiple-informant approach to examine the mediating effect of cognitive functioning on emotional and behavioral problems in children with an active epilepsy. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy, 82, 31-38. Link
Sadeh, Y., Dekel, R., Brezner, A., Landa, J., Silberg, T. (2020). Child and family factors associated with posttraumatic stress responses following a traumatic medical event: The role of medical team support. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 45(9), 1063-1073. Link
Frei-Landau, R. & Tuval-Mashiach, R., Silberg, T. & Hasson-Ohayon, I. (2020). Attachment to God among Bereaved Jewish Parents: Exploring Differences by Denominational Affiliation. Review of Religious Research, 62, 485-496. Link
Krasovsky, T., Barak, S., Silberg, T., Brezner, A. & Landa, J. (2020). Factors associated with gains in performance during pediatric rehabilitation following brain injury: Growth curve analysis. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 99(4) 310-317
Khalemsky, M., Schwartz, D. G., Silberg, T., Khalemsky, A., Jaffe, E. & Herbst, R. (2019). Willingness to join a smartphone-based Emergency Response Community - evidence from a field study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(8):e13892. Link
Frei-Landau R., Tuval-Mashiach, R., Silberg, T. & Hasson-Ohaion, I. (2019). Attachment-to-God as a mediator in the relationship between religiosity and adjustment to child loss. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy,12(2) 165-174. Link
Hasson-Ohayon, I., Ben-Pazi, A., Silberg, T., Pijnenborg, G. & Goldzweig, G. (2019). The mediating role of parental satisfaction between marital satisfaction and perceived family burden among parents of children with psychiatric disorders. Psychiatry Research, 271, 105-110. Link
Hasson-Ohayon, I., Hasnon-Shaked, M., Silberg, T., Shpigelman, C.N. & Roe, D. (2018). Attitudes towards motherhood of women with physical versus psychiatric disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 11(4), 612-617. Link
Elad, D., Barak, S., Silberg, T. & Brezner, A. (2018). The relationship between sense of autonomy and motor and scholastic functioning among children with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 80, 161-169. Link
Silberg, T., Druker, H., Gerner, M., Berant, E M., Brezner, A. & Landa, J. (2018). Linking levels of self-discrepancies and family functioning among children with functional somatic symptoms: a preliminary study. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-9. Link
Ahonniska-Assa, J., Polak, O., Saraf, E., Wine, J., Silberg, T., Nissenkorn, A., & Ben Zeev, B. (2018). Assessing cognitive functioning in females with Rett syndrome by eye-tracking methodology. European Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 22(1), 39-45. Link
Silberg, T & Vakil, E. Context-dependent recognition is related to specific processes taking place at encoding and at retrieval. (2017) Psych Journal. 8, 335-349. Link
Krasovsky, T., Landa, J., Bar, O., Livny-Ezer, A, Tsarfaty, G. & Silberg, T. (2017). Functional plasticity in the absence of structural change: Apraxia and body scheme disorder 10 years after childhood brain injury. Journal of Child Neurology, 32(5), 505-511. Link
Barak, S., Elad, D., Silberg, T. & Brezner, A. (2017). Mothers and fathers of school aged children with Cerebral Palsy: Differences in future expectations. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 29(2), 223-240. Link
Silberg, T., Ahonniska-Assa, A., Gilad, G., Brezner, A. & Levav, M. (2016). The role of maternal distress on the report of behavioral and emotional problems among children with chronic disabilities. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 53, 17-24. Link
Silberg, T., Ahonniska-Assa, J., Levav, M., Eliyahu, R., Peleg-Pilowsky, T., Brezner, A & Vakil, E. (2016). The effect of age-at-testing on verbal memory among children following severe traumatic brain injury. Child Neuropsychology, 22, 600-617. Link
Silberg, T., Ahonniska-Assa, J., & Levav, M. (2015). Diagnosing special children: A multi-dimensional model for neuropsychological evaluation of children with complex neurological conditions. Psychoactoalia (Heb). December, 72-76
Silberg, T*., Tal-Jacoby D*., Levav, M., Brezner, A. & Rasovsky, Y. (2015). Parents and teachers reporting on child's emotional and behavioral problems following severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): the moderating effect of time. Brain Injury, 29(4), 481-489. Link
Gofer-Levi, M., Silberg, T., Brezner, A., & Vakil, E. (2014). Cognitive procedural learning among children and adolescents with or without spastic cerebral palsy: The differential effect of age. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 1952-1962. Link
Gofer-Levi, M., Silberg, T., Brezner, A., & Vakil, E. (2013). Deficit in implicit motor sequence learning among children and adolescents with spastic cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 3672-3678. Link